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Myopia in Children: What You Need to Know

Myopia in children: I-Dew Eye drops


In today's competitive world where every child is surrounded by technology, they have much higher aspirations than normal. Children believe that they can fly a spaceship to Mars, play at Wembley Stadium or score goals at Camp Nou in Barcelona.

As parents, we understand that in today's competitive world, children must learn everything faster to keep up, and it will be heartbreaking to see their dreams dashed because of Myopia.

According to Northern Ireland Childhood Errors of Refraction (NICER) research, nearly one in every five teenagers in the United Kingdom is myopic, and myopia is more than twice as common among UK children today as it was in the 1960s.


What is Myopia: 

What is Myopia: I-Dew Eye drops


Myopia (short-sightedness) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects close to you but not those farther away. It occurs when the shape of your eye causes light rays to bend (refract) incorrectly, focusing images in front of your retina rather than on your retina.

One of the common vision problems that most school-aged children are vulnerable to is myopia. It is estimated that 5% of preschoolers, 9% of school-aged children, and 30% of adolescents suffer from this problem.

If both parents are short-sighted, their children are more likely to develop myopia. Myopia, on the other hand, is on the rise in general, particularly among children. Experts believe it may be related to spending more time indoors doing close-up tasks, such as using computers and video games.


How To Identify Myopia in Your Child:

In young children, the signs, and symptoms of can be very subtle. In fact, many parents only become aware of a problem when they take their child to the optometrist or are informed by another parent that their child requires glasses. However, if you pay attention, you can easily determine whether your child has myopia. Some of those signs are:

A Squint:

A squint occurs when the eyes are pointing in opposite directions (strabismus). It can occur at any age, but children are more likely to be affected. While one eye turns in, out, up, or down, the other eye looks ahead. When looking at something, your child may close one eye. Pay attention when your child looks at something with a specific head posture, such as tilting their head to one side. Closing one eye to focus on something or claiming to have double vision in bright sunlight


Glaucoma is an eye condition that causes loss of vision, or reduced vision, if it is not detected and treated early enough. It usually happens when pressure builds up inside the eye, damaging the optic nerve. You can spot this by noticing that your child has excessive tearing and sensitivity to light, such as the closure of one or both eyes in the light. As a treatment, eye drops would be applied to reduce water retention in the eyeball by reducing the flow of fluid in and out of your eye.

Lazy Eye:

As per reference of the National Health Service, a "lazy eye" is a childhood condition where the vision does not develop properly. It's known medically as amblyopia and happens because one or both eyes are unable to build a strong link to the brain. A "lazy eye" usually only affects one eye and means that the child can see less clearly out of the affected eye and relies more on the "good" eye. It is estimated that 1 in 50 children develop a lazy eye. You can spot this by noticing your child’s reading habits, such as if they bring books close to the eyes while reading or sitting close to the television or computer screen.

How to spot Myopia in your children-I-Dew Eye drops


Treatment for Myopia in Children:

Globally, an increasing number of children are becoming short-sighted (myopic). Many parents are concerned because their children have this eye condition, which appears to worsen year after year. However, there are a few ways to slow this deterioration:

Treatment of Mayopia: I-Dew Eyedrops



Glasses for children with myopia can be worn all the time or just when they need them. It's important to choose frames that fit well and match your child's activities and age. For example, if you have a young child, it may help to buy glasses with a strap, so they stay on more easily. Or if your child plays sports, getting sports glasses will keep their regular glasses from getting broken. An eye doctor, ophthalmologist or optometrist can help you figure out what your child may need.


Contact lenses

If your child prefers contacts to glasses, they can be helpful for certain activities. They're especially handy for sports and other outdoor activities because they don't need to be removed when your child is active. While there's no age limit for contact lenses, your child should be able to tolerate eye drops well and practice good hygiene. Contacts need to be cared on a daily basisto prevent eye infections. If your child has eye pain or redness while wearing contacts, see an ophthalmologist or optometrist immediately.


Eye drops

I-Dew Soothe Eye drops

In children aged 5 to 18, a low dose of eye drops used to dilate pupils during an eye exam may help slow the progression of myopia. The I-DEW eye drop range is designed specifically for those who are exposed to screens for extended periods of time. It contains a unique blend of ocular lubricants that provide prolonged lubrication and comfort to severely dry eyes.

It also contains L-Carnitine and Erythritol compatible solutes, which help to restore the natural osmotic balance of the eye surface and revive tired eyes.

If your child is experiencing symptoms of myopia and is also spending time in front of screens, it's a good idea to talk with their doctor about getting a vision screening. Your paediatrician can help you understand how much time your child spends looking at screens, and the kinds of activities they do on screens. In some cases, myopia can be prevented by encouraging a healthy mix of screen time and outdoor playtime.


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