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World Health Day: Five Vision Care Tips

World Health Day is a global initiative celebrated annually on April 7th, aimed at raising awareness and highlighting important issues related to global health. This year's theme is "Building a fairer, healthier world", and as part of this, it's important to consider the role that vision care plays in our overall health and well-being. Poor vision can impact daily life and lead to headaches, eye strain, and fatigue. To help maintain good vision and promote overall eye health, here are five tips to keep in mind. Regular eye tests, protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays, practicing good eye hygiene, eating a healthy diet, and taking breaks from digital devices can all help keep your eyes healthy and prevent eye...

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Five Tips On How To Safeguard Your Vision

Our vision is a precious sense we often take for granted until we realise it's impaired. But did you know that there are simple steps you can take to safeguard your vision? Here are five tips on protecting your eyesight and maintaining a healthy vision for years to come.

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Workplace Eye Wellness: Tips for Keeping Your Eyes Safe on the Job

We all want to ensure we work in a safe and healthy environment. However, we often overlook our most acute sense: our vision. Whether you work in an office or factory, there are always risks of eye injuries that can impact your life. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritise eye safety in the workplace to prevent eye injuries that can lead to vision loss.

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Eye Cancer: Types, Symptoms and the Treatments

Eye cancer is a general term describing many types of tumours that can start in various parts of the eye. It occurs when healthy cells in or around the eye change and grow uncontrollably, forming a tumorous mass, a tumour can be benign or cancerous.

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